As this is being typed, the printer (the person kind, not the office kind) is churning out thousands of copies of our Red Rock Outdoor Gear catalogs. The whole catalog process takes a lot longer than most people think, and finding mistakes seems waaaaaay easier on a legitimately printed final version you can no longer change than the PDFs we make ourselves during the process, but, hey, this catalog is definitely going to be our best one yet!
Last week, I mentioned us going to five trade shows this January and February; the first of these shows will be the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market. The Outdoor Retailer Winter Market (aka OR, to those in the know) is one of our favorite shows to do. It’s hosted in Salt Lake City, UT, which is home to my favorite brewery, Uinta. We somehow got a private tour this summer, which was awesome and filled with samples.
The food and beer in Salt Lake City is great, but OR gets a bunch of well-known and growing brands together under one roof. Being around your peers, competitors, and innovators is always energizing which helps us come back to make more new stuff for y’all. Plus, we usually get to walk away with a ton of free stuff.
Next week we will talk about a few more of the upcoming shows.