Boom, two weeks in a row! I have now tied the record for most consecutive blog posts by a Red Rocker! In other exciting blog-related news, I think we finally figured out how to turn on the comments so you can now opine right here on this page, unless they aren’t working which means you can still send angry emails to We are still working on the catalog, but Julie and I got to take a break so we could get the Holiday Cards ready to go out before Thanksgiving.
There were only about 850.
Fun fact, Red Rock Outdoor Gear is both the sole manufacturer and chief distributor of Red Rock Outdoor Gear items. We love our retail customers and providing all end users with phenomenal customer service, but most of the time you’ll be buying our products from someone else, and we’re okay with that.
If you subscribe to our emails, you probably got the Black Friday email this morning. That definitely happened because we want you to enjoy your time with your friends, family, and frenemies and not because setting the times for automated emails is a lot harder than it sounds and “Wednesday at 12:00AM” is at least a little bit open to interpretation. Either way, you can now get all of our Black Friday deals at, and the Cyber Monday deals are active if you can find them. The Cyber Monday stuff is active so that all of Red Rockers can eat, drink, argue with our loved ones, and then pass out like the rest of y’all.
Completely unrelated, who knows how to make Disqus work?